• "Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time." – K. Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse V

I Write from the Future (08.28.3030)*

– So, a minor Anniversary of sorts, I suppose. Today marks the 1015th year of my journal. What has changed? Oh, so much…and not much at all. My body is still failing, I am still wishing for a better, newer one. How many have I gone through? I think I stopped counting at 12. Mechanical, bio-mechanical hybrids, clonal all organic replacements, other permutations, varieties, and weirdness. Missing the few stints I did as pure consciousness, floating through the interplanetary nets and the decade spent image processing cores of a deep space microwave array, looking at pulsars and supernovae, comets and glowing space dust, until the cores of pure selenium gave me a cognitive itch, and I had to recorporealize on Titan, just to get some analgesic for my lobes.

Maybe I’ll go for something really radical this time, like taking up a job as a planet-wide eco-processing control system. Those servers can be really spacious, I hear. I hear Gliese-686 has a super earth that is coming along nicely, and they just passed their Transhuman Compensation Act. I wonder what’s the exchange rate is for the local currency? No, maybe not yet. Let things stabilize a bit.

Where was I 1,015 years ago today? Looking back…I have to trigger Ye Olde Memory Index. Yep. There’s the entry…Oh, ha! I was full of piss that day. Predatory Capitalism. What a hoot. Could I have imagined at that time that I would be on Eris, and that this would represent my 800th-or-so home, and my first residence back in the Milky Way after some 900-ish years bopping about in the cosmos? I could have predicted it in the broad strokes, but what a time it has been, to bring me full circle, back to my solar system of origin. Many tales, many tales…

But, the morning is growing long and I have…well, I have whatever. I have some serious farting around to do, and I’d best get to it…after another smoke, maybe some more coffee and ruminating… yes. Urgent stuff. The pink sky of Eris makes me think of a certain style of video game cartridge illustration from the 1980’s. I guess I will never shake that association.

Practical notes: slept well, as usual. Still exuberant about the boons of vSleep. Locals pray too much, look godawful in their puritan attire – straight out of a 1950’s sci-fi flick. Insist on ‘cultural authenticity’. Boy, are *they* in for some fun in the coming hundred years or so. Need to think more about that new body, and where to go from here.

What does the shadow say today? Indolence and wallowing in the past? Yes. Time to honor those things a bit. Maybe counter them with a walk across the Eastern plain. Low atmo changes the way you move. Might be worth a tick or two to just meander in the nothing for a bit.

Onward, Aluminium!

The Hero’s Journal – Interlude

– How many times have I done this? And, yet, I don’t think I feel any more or less heroic than I did when I started chronicling the cycles of my life. I know it’s all subjective signification in the shared cultural ground, but some days it just feels gratuitous. I suppose, in the anonymity of self that goes between Journeys, that is entirely appropriate.

For now, the deep crises and questions have abated, and I prize the solitude and indeterminacy of my daily puttering. Good enough. And, yet…and yet…there’s a tickle.

Gathering Intentions

– Puttering. Farting around. The grand design. What else is there? Planet-hopping, galaxy-hopping, just different scales of farting around. We exist so that the universe can know itself? I’d go one step further, to say that we exist so the universe can forget itself. Ha!

BreznyCorp Free Will Astrology for the Week (Earth-local Aries, 08283030 – All Rights Reserved) – “The 21st-century Pulitzer-winning essayist Jamila Biafra-Rollins, the first dual-donor clone to ever win the Pulitzer, is famed for their saying, “Bust Your Own.” This Aries maven of self-transformation shared a single-mindedeness with all their Aries cohort, but asserted that will differently, which Arieses often do, stating that one’s will is often a default of what one will not. Try eliminating negatives in your life right now, setting boundaries, and bust your own…walls, indirectly, by setting up other limits that help to guide you in your optimal direction.”

– Okay, okay, maybe no free walk today. Things could get dicey on Eris around the time they expand into the Southern Hemisphere. We haven’t exactly had great relations with the Eridan colony there, and things could heat up. So, where to, how, and what skin should I be wearing when I get there? Hmmm…

eFortune Cookie for the Day – “Tomorrow is another day.”


Unlimbering the Mind

– Craft…craft…spacecraft!

Fanciful Thought

– Racing stripes.

One Word Zen

– Go.

Daily Gratitudes

– I am glad that I can commit to another journey…

– I am grateful that I left most if my stuff in the stasis bay from last time.

Reflections on Ikigai

– The Five Pillars of Ikigai

— Pillar 1: Starting small – today
— Pillar 2: Releasing yourself – today ( ≈ 108 seconds)
— Pillar 3: Harmony and sustainability – today
— Pillar 4: The joy of little things – today
— Pillar 5: Being in the here and now – maybe tomorrow.

Closing Thought: “As I shape the day, I am shaping myself.”

To Do

-2) Expenses and Income

-1) ZephyrYogi v.236 – re-up standards compliance on all points.

0) Station work:

0.1) Landing gear up – set date – WIP
0.2) Merge and purge kits – on hold, pending.
0.3) Commissary – special items for the trip?
0.4) Test ship audio. – WIP

1) Re-image legacy control system and port to virtualization for back-compat to inner Sol System standards.

2) Bulk storage – gather, centralize, distill, replicate.

3) Transit docs

4) Back-up power

5) The Eigen Flyer – Status Unknown

6) White Stag – Status Unknown

*(The above journal entry arrived in my inbox at unstucknet.com this morning. It follows, more or less, the structure of my daily journal at present.)